Growing Into Our Future Pledges
When giving money towards your pledge please us the line on your envelopes marked “Other” and specify “Pledge”.
Capital Campaign Update
“Thank you great stewards!”
We are so ever grateful for all who have responded so generously to the
Growing Into Our Future with Faith& Grace Capital Campaign.
To date, we have received 56 pledges totaling $976,618.
Your generosity has given us a great start for our building expansion.
For those who have yet to pledge, we invite you to prayerfully consider making a pledge. Know that all pledges are important and will be needed for the success of this campaign and to further the mission of St. Peter’s.
If you do not have a pledge card, additional pledge cards are available in
the Narthex and can be placed in the designated box in the Narthex, offertory basket or mail it to the church office.
Thank you for your generosity!