We promise to walk alongside you in all circumstances
At St. Peter's we are a family who cares about you. We care for you spiritually with God's word and sacraments and physically through education and Ruby's Pantry food distribution. We care for you with our excellent Lutheran daycare and school. We are a community. We are a family.

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Lebanon Lutheran School Event
You don't have to feel guilt, shame, anxiety, or loneliness...
We walk to Jesus' cross together as a community in need of a Savior
At St. Peter’s we are a family who cares about you. We care for you spiritually with God’s word and sacraments and physically through education and Ruby’s Pantry food distribution. We care for you with our excellent Lutheran daycare and school. We are there to visit you at home, in the hospital and nursing home. We support you by cheering your children on and school sports, concerts and plays. We volunteer/serve together, eat together and work together. We are a community. We are a family.
St. Peter’s Lutheran is a congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Our Church believes that:
- The Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is the one, true, living and almighty God.
- The Bible, the inspired Word of God, is the only reliable source of truth for Christian faith and life.
- All people, by nature, are sinful and deserve God’s anger and punishment for their sins.
- Jesus Christ, true God and true man, through His innocent suffering and death, has redeemed the world from sin and hell and cleanses us from all sin.
- By His glorious resurrection, Jesus defeated death and gives to all believers the gift of eternal life and at death, the believer enters glory in Heaven.
- These blessings are received by God’s grace (His undeserved love) through faith in Jesus, worked by the Holy Spirit through the hearing of God’s Word and Holy Baptism.
- We are strengthened in our faith in Jesus Christ through the regular use of God’s word and the Lord’s Supper.
We Connect Souls to Christ at the Crossroads of Our Community
Ruby's Pantry Food Distribution
Ruby’s Pantry is held the second Tuesday of every month 2:00 pm-5:00 pm, or until shares are gone. Shares are $20 per and there are no residency or income qualifications to purchase a share. Read More >
Lutheran School & Daycare
The Lebanon Lutheran School is Accredited through the National Lutheran School Accreditation. Our daycare is rated as a 3 Star daycare by YoungStar. Read More >
Community Volunteering
Our community volunteering has earned us an Outstanding Volunteer award from Bethesda in April, 2017. Read More >
We have been a vital part of the Lebanon Community for over 135 years
St. Peter’s- a congregation of about 400 souls – is a member congregation in the South Wisconsin District of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod.
We celebrate two sacraments. In Baptism, God freely offers his grace and lovingly establishes a new community. In Holy Communion those who come to the table receive in bread and wine the body and blood of their Lord. This gift is itself the presence of God’s forgiveness and mercy, nourishing believers in union with their Lord and with each other.